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Plough disc 28

(624 products available)

About plough disc 28

The <strong>plough disc 28</strong> denotes a particular dimension of an agricultural disc blade employed in a range of soil cultivation operations. These discs are crucial elements of equipment used for readying the soil for sowing. The <strong>28-inch plough disc</strong> strikes a balance between soil coverage and ease of handling, and is commonly crafted from durable materials such as Boron steel or 40MnB steel to endure the demands of ploughing and soil inversion.

Types and Characteristics of Plough Disc 28

Variants within the <strong>plough disc 28</strong> assortment are tailored to accommodate diverse terrains and soil conditions. Notched discs, for example, deliver a more intensive cutting action suitable for challenging soils or slicing through crop remnants. Smooth discs are favored for more delicate soil preparation, yielding a uniform finish. Disc thickness also varies, with heftier discs offering greater heft and cutting force, advantageous in arid or compacted soils. Each design is conceived with particular soil environments and cultivation techniques in mind, enabling farmers and agribusinesses to choose the most efficacious disc for their requirements.

Structure and Operation of 28-inch Plough Discs

The <strong>plough disc 28</strong> is an exemplar of agrarian engineering, consisting of several pivotal components. The central hub acts as the anchor from which the disc blade radiates, providing essential support. Bearings or bushings, affixed to the hub, permit the disc to rotate smoothly. The disc's periphery is often scalloped or notched to augment its slicing prowess. When mounted on a disc harrow or plough, these discs operate collectively, slicing into the soil as the machinery traverses the field. The gang angle, the tilt at which the discs are positioned, can be modified to regulate the intensity of the cut and the ensuing soil turnover.

Materials and Properties of Plough Disc 28

The selection of materials for the <strong>plough disc 28</strong> hinges on their resilience and abrasion resistance. Boron steel is esteemed for its sturdiness and longevity, crucial when encountering stones and other rigid objects. The 65Mn steel, a variant of high-carbon steel, is prized for its wear resistance and robustness. These materials are subjected to heat treatment techniques to amplify their attributes, such as tempering and quenching, which bolster their service life and help preserve their form under harsh conditions.

Business Usages and Applications of Plough Disc 28

The <strong>plough disc 28</strong> is utilized across various sectors. In the realm of agriculture, it is indispensable for soil preparation, a determinant of crop yield and vitality. The construction industry employs these discs for earth leveling and clearance. In manufacturing, the discs are used for land management near facilities. Each application capitalizes on the disc's proficiency in soil cutting and turning, enhancing land quality and thereby facilitating subsequent agricultural or construction activities.

Functions and Tasks of Plough Disc 28

The <strong>plough disc 28</strong>'s primary role is to till the soil, readying it for crop planting by overturning the top layer, chopping weeds, and blending crop residues into the earth. It is also instrumental in forming furrows and ridges, vital for certain irrigation and sowing techniques. The disc's size renders it particularly suitable for both expansive fields and smaller plots where precision is paramount.

Features and Unique Selling Points of Plough Disc 28

Notable features of the <strong>plough disc 28</strong> include a self-sharpening edge that maintains cutting efficacy through regular usage. Its compatibility with various tractor models and the simplicity of attachment stand out as significant advantages. The design of the discs allows for adjustable cutting depths and angles, offering versatility and adaptability to a range of farming practices and conditions, distinguishing it from other soil cultivation implements.

Benefits and Positive Outcomes of Using Plough Disc 28

Employing a <strong>plough disc 28</strong> yields numerous advantages, such as enhanced soil aeration, critical for root development and nutrient absorption. Soil turnover aids in weed and pest management, contributing to healthier crops. For the business proprietor, the disc's efficiency results in lower fuel expenses and labor, as it can cover more terrain in less time compared to smaller discs, leading to heightened profitability.

How to Use and Maintain Plough Disc 28

Optimal use of a <strong>plough disc 28</strong> entails adjusting the depth and angle to suit the soil conditions. Routine checks for wear and damage, particularly after use in stony fields, are essential. Maintenance includes keeping the disc clean, dry storage to avert rust, and ensuring bearings are well-lubricated. Proper installation according to the manufacturer's instructions is crucial to secure attachment to the plough or harrow.

Choosing and Cleaning the Right Plough Disc 28

Choosing the appropriate <strong>plough disc 28</strong> necessitates an understanding of your land's specific needs. Factors such as soil type, moisture content, and the kind of residue to be integrated should be considered. Cleaning the disc involves eliminating soil and detritus post-use to prevent accumulation and corrosion, achievable with a high-pressure washer or manually with suitable cleaning implements.

Target Audience and Meeting Their Needs

The intended clientele for the <strong>plough disc 28</strong> encompasses farmers, agricultural contractors, and land management experts. These practitioners demand a dependable, efficient implement capable of handling diverse soil conditions and tasks. The plough disc meets these requirements through its durability, versatility, and ease of maintenance, affirming its status as a vital piece of contemporary farming machinery.

What are the core components of a plough disc 28?

Essential elements of a <strong>plough disc 28</strong> encompass the bearing, which facilitates smooth rotation, the pump (in hydraulic setups), and the pressure vessel. In more sophisticated disc plough systems, a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) may also be included, allowing for precise management of the ploughing operations and enhancing overall safety and productivity.

What after-sales services are available for plough disc 28?

For the <strong>plough disc 28</strong>, a broad spectrum of after-sales services is typically on offer. These range from online assistance for troubleshooting to video technical support for intricate issues. Moreover, numerous manufacturers provide on-site maintenance and repair services, and some even operate overseas service centers to guarantee prompt and effective assistance, irrespective of the user's location.

How does plough disc 28 contribute to soil cultivating?

The <strong>plough disc 28</strong> is central to soil cultivation, adeptly turning the earth to aerate it and prepare the seedbed. Its dimensions and configuration make it particularly effective at breaking up lumps and integrating organic material, vital for fostering nutrient-dense soil. This process not only ameliorates soil texture but also aids in suppressing weeds, pests, and diseases, thereby enhancing the fertility and productivity of the agricultural landscape.