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Baby teethers

(59405 products available)

About baby teethers

What are Baby Teethers

Baby teethers are specialized toys designed to provide relief for babies who are experiencing the discomfort of teething. As infants grow, their first set of teeth, called primary or baby teeth, begin to emerge through the gums, a process that can cause soreness and irritation. Teethers offer a safe and effective way for babies to soothe their tender gums by chewing on them.

These products are crafted specifically for infants and toddlers, typically ranging from 0 to 24 months, who are in the stages of early dental development. The principle behind how baby teethers work is quite simple: they are made from materials that are soft yet durable enough to be bitten and chewed without breaking. This provides a counter-pressure to the emerging teeth that can help to alleviate pain and discomfort.

To ensure safety, baby teethers are made from non-toxic materials that are often free from harmful chemicals such as BPA, PVC, latex, and phthalates. They come in various shapes, textures, and sizes to cater to different age ranges and preferences. Some may also have additional features like built-in rattles or the ability to be chilled in a refrigerator for extra soothing effects.

Most importantly, baby teethers are designed to be easy for little hands to hold and manipulate. Their shapes often stimulate play and exploration while serving their primary purpose of being chewable items that promote relief from teething symptoms. With safety as a top priority, these products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet standards for infant use.

Types of Baby Teethers

Understanding the variety of baby teethers available is crucial for selecting the right options for young ones during their teething phase. Here's a look at some common types:

  • Silicone Teethers: Made from food-grade silicone, these teethers are soft, flexible, and often come in bright colors and fun shapes like animals or geometric patterns. They're easy to clean and can sometimes be refrigerated for additional relief.

  • Wooden Teethers: Natural wood provides a firm surface for babies to bite on. These teethers might appeal to parents looking for an eco-friendly option and often come in simple shapes like rings or animal figures.

  • Plush Teethers: Combining soft fabric with a chewable teether part, plush teethers can offer the comfort of a stuffed toy with the functionality of a teether. They're usually designed with vibrant patterns and textures to engage a baby's senses.

  • Cooling Teethers: These contain a water-filled section that can be chilled in the refrigerator. The cool temperature provides extra relief for sore gums when chewed on.

  • Rattle Teethers: A multi-functional design that combines the entertainment value of a rattle with the practicality of a teether. The sound can captivate babies while they chew on the textured parts intended for soothing gums.

Each type has its own set of common use cases and benefits; however, they all share the same purpose of safely helping babies manage teething discomfort.

How to choose Baby Teethers

When selecting baby teethers for resale or use in a commercial setting, businesses should consider several factors:

  • Material: It is essential to choose teethers made from safe, non-toxic materials such as food-grade silicone or natural wood. The material should also be durable enough to withstand repeated chewing without breaking apart.

  • Age Appropriateness: Ensure that the teether is suitable for the age range it's intended for; certain shapes and sizes may be more appropriate for different stages of a baby’s development.

  • Ease of Cleaning: Teethers should be easy to clean or sterilize as they will frequently end up on the floor or other surfaces. Products that are dishwasher-safe or can be boiled may offer added convenience.

  • Safety Features: Look for products that have no small parts which could pose a choking hazard and those that are designed not to break into smaller pieces when chewed on.

  • Additional Features: Consider if extra functions like cooling ability or built-in rattles would be beneficial and appealing to your customers.

By assessing these considerations based on the types and features discussed previously, businesses can make informed choices about which baby teethers would best suit their clientele's needs.

Best Baby Teethers on

For businesses seeking reliable sources for wholesale baby teethers, stands out as an indispensable marketplace. The platform's extensive network offers an array of options tailored to various business needs—from e-commerce stores seeking trendy designs to brick-and-mortar retailers looking for classic styles. Each buyer can find products that adhere to safety standards while meeting consumer demand for innovative and comforting solutions for teething infants.

The diversity of choices on means buyers can access an impressive selection without compromising on quality or safety. Each product listing provides detailed descriptions along with material specifications ensuring every purchase aligns with responsible sourcing practices. Furthermore,'s Trade Assurance service is available, adding an extra layer of security by protecting payments until delivery is confirmed. enables businesses worldwide to tap into global markets with ease. By leveraging Alibaba's user-friendly platform—complete with mobile accessibility—businesses can efficiently browse through thousands of products in various categories, including baby teethers designed for different ages, styles, materials, and unique features desired by modern parents. With customer satisfaction at its core, paves the way for businesses looking to source high-demand baby products confidently and efficiently.

Common FAQs for Baby Teethers

What materials are commonly used for making baby teethers?

Baby teethers are often made from materials like food-grade silicone, natural wood, and BPA-free plastics. These materials are chosen for their safety, durability, and non-toxic properties, which are essential for products intended to be chewed by infants.

How can I ensure the baby teethers I source are safe and non-toxic?

When sourcing baby teethers, look for products that are explicitly labeled as non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals such as BPA, PVC, latex, and phthalates. It is also advisable to choose products that meet safety standards and certifications relevant to baby products.

Are there specific baby teether designs that are more popular with consumers?

Popular designs for baby teethers include those shaped like animals, fruits, or geometric shapes. Additionally, multifunctional designs that incorporate features like rattles or cooling elements tend to be well-received by consumers.

Can baby teethers be customized according to my business needs?

Many suppliers on offer customization services where you can request specific designs, colors, or features for baby teethers to align with your brand or customer preferences.

What age range should I target when stocking baby teethers?

Baby teethers are generally targeted towards infants and toddlers aged 0 to 24 months, as this is the typical age range when teething occurs. However, some designs may be suitable for older toddlers up to 2-4 years.

How do I choose the right types of baby teethers for my commercial buyer clientele?

Consider the demographics of your commercial buyers, such as whether they cater to e-commerce platforms, supermarkets, or specialty stores. Stock a variety of types that cater to different preferences and needs, such as cooling teethers for immediate relief or plush teethers for added comfort.

Are there any specific features of baby teethers that I should highlight when selling to businesses?

Features such as being dishwasher safe, having adjustable parts, or being eco-friendly are selling points you may want to highlight. These features can appeal to businesses looking to cater to health-conscious parents or those looking for convenience in product maintenance.

How important is the shape and texture of a baby teether in choosing a product?

Shape and texture play a crucial role in a baby teether's effectiveness and appeal. Varied textures can provide different types of pressure and sensory experience for babies, while shapes are often designed to be easy for little hands to hold.

What should I consider regarding the color selection of baby teethers?

Color selection can be important as bright and contrasting colors may attract infants' attention and encourage them to use the teether. Consider stocking a range of colors to cater to different preferences.

How can I ensure that the baby teethers I buy are easy to clean?

Look for teethers labeled as dishwasher-safe or those that can be easily cleaned with soap and water. Some teethers also have antimicrobial surfaces that minimize the growth of bacteria.

What kind of packaging options are available for baby teethers?

Packaging options vary from simple polybags to more elaborate gift boxes. Depending on your clientele, you may require packaging that is suitable for retail display or gift-giving.

Is it possible to find environmentally sustainable baby teethers on

Yes, you can find environmentally sustainable options such as natural wood teethers or those made from biodegradable materials. Look for keywords like "eco-friendly" or "sustainable" in product listings.

What additional certifications should I look for in a supplier of baby teethers?

You may want to look for suppliers who have certifications like ISO (International Organization for Standardization), CE (Conformité Européenne), or FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval which indicate adherence to quality and safety standards.

How does facilitate communication with suppliers regarding product specifications? offers messaging tools that allow you to communicate directly with suppliers in your local language about product specifications or custom requirements before making a bulk purchase.